When it comes to landscaping an English-style garden, there should be no shortage of colourful rose bushes, which can also be planted in shady spots. English-style gardens are distinguished by an abundance of flowers and bushes that create an exuberant decor.
Along the path, a low hedge can be built to enclose the flower-filled areas. The garden should be as lively and colourful as possible and maintain a certain order and unstudied balance.
Decorative elements such as wrought-iron or wooden benches, ceramic pots, ornamental ponds, birdhouses or statues are a must in an English-style garden and give the place a special charm.
English-style garden
When it comes to landscaping an English-style garden, there should be no shortage of colourful rose bushes, which can also be planted in shady spots. English-style gardens are distinguished by an abundance of flowers and bushes that create an exuberant decor.
Along the path, a low hedge can be built to enclose the flower-filled areas. The garden should be as lively and colourful as possible and maintain a certain order and unstudied balance.
Decorative elements such as wrought-iron or wooden benches, ceramic pots, ornamental ponds, birdhouses or statues are a must in an English-style garden and give the place a special charm.
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English-style garden
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